Smile Design

Smile Designs

Fitting multiple veneer or crown cases on an aesthetically demanding patient can be very stressful, as you well know!

You lose valuable surgery time if the veneers don't fit and damage patient confidence if the aesthetics aren't as desired.

An unhappy patient won't tell their friends and this costs! It costs in losing that patient and in costs in the loss of opportunity that arises out of them telling their friends about you.

You also need confidence to be able to prescribe these complex cosmetic cases and know that the result will live up to your patients expectations, and of course the ultimate desire is for the patient to leave your chair delighted, ecstatic and having experienced a service that is beyond their expectiations
Before - enamel erosion and inverted smile line

1st model showing a case before diagnostics. A very overcrowded arch. Lines indicating where tooth lengthening will be required. 
 After - rather 'white' but the patient happy, directly after fit, so gum needs time to settle

2nd model showing diagnostic wax up. The upper right central incisor was removed. A zirconia bridge was eventually made from upper right lateral to the upper left central. Zirconia crowns were made on the upper right canine and upper left lateral and canine.
Without diagnostics it would have been very difficult to visualise what could have be achieved. 
SBO Dental Laboratory Cosmetic Smile Design Package

All our Smile Designs are returned with 3 models:

A pre-op... where the patient is now
A diagnostic wax up for as many crowns/veneers as is required... where the patient wants to be
An ideal preparation model... how to get there

We then also provide a temporisation matrix over the diagnostics so you can make your provisional 'prototypes' for the patient. You will also receive 2 preparation matrices showing buccal reduction required and incisal reduction required. Combining these resources together:

Removes uncertainty for the patient
Removes uncertainty for YOU
Helps you retain as much tooth structure as possible
Helps you prepare exactly where required
Helps reduce your stress levels as we know the end point before we begin
Provides the patient with prototypes that will exactly match their final veneers
Gives the patient an opportunity to comment on the final shape before they are fitted
Helps to reassure the patient and give them confidence in you

This all comes as a single package price, no extras, no having to work out each element cost and add them all together. Just one simple price for the complete package, no mater how many veneers you have waxed up (unless you have <6 when we will charge proportionately less).
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